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Tickled Seven - Twin Pack Eyelashes Elated Flair 1.1

Tickled Seven - Twin Pack Eyelashes Elated Flair 1.1
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TICKLED SEVEN Tickled Seven - Twin Pack Eyelashes Elated Flair 1.1

Elated Flair Series

A highly recommended series for your daily natural look. Elated Flair Series could be perfect for you! These series are applicable to any shapes of eyes and proven to be super lightweight lashes, comfortable to wear, and one of the highest reusability among any other lashes.

Elated Flair series are created with:
1. best in class substance “de facto complied to European Union REACH regulation that protects human health from the risks which can be posed by chemicals, made from 100% premium sterilized skin grade natural hair with a flexible ergonomic band that allows for easy and fast application”,
2. cutting edge production setting “punctiliously handcrafted by applying the integrated gradient method of cutting, knitting, and rolling that results highest quality lashes particularly in term of durability and congruency”, and
3. world class standard of manufacturing facilities “certified with most complete set of ISO from ISO 9001 for Quality Management System, ISO 14001 for Environmental Management System and ISO 22716 for Good Manufacturing Practices”

We consider safety and comfortability in our products are indispensable! ELATED FLAIR is the right choice for you who wish to look natural with your lashes. Mini strip lashes superior glue performance included.

Place of Origin


Product Usage

Gently remove False lashes from the platform Apply a thin line of eyelashes glue along the band. Wait 5 to 10 second to setPlace the false lashes close to the natural lash line and secure them by pressing the lash band onto lash line


100% high Quality Sterelized Natural Hair







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    • Area Jabodetabek: 1-2 hari kerja.
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