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Should you pick a facial soap or a cleanser? Deciding between them can be tough given there are so many options as you look through the aisles in a drugstore. Knowing the differences between a facial soap and cleanser will help you choose the best products for your skin. Read on and below tips may help you figure out whether a soap or cleanser is best for your skin.

The differences between a facial soap and cleanser:

What’s a facial soap?

Facial soap and Cleanser

Facial soaps are often considered more effective at removing dirt, sebum, and dead skin cells than a typical cleanser. Yet, not all soaps are suitable for use on the face, and some can be too abrasive and drying. While many people don’t think of bar soap as a facial cleanser, others wear by it. The answer totally depends on the soap you choose, with so many formulations and different types out there.

Choosing the best soap for your face can be confusing. Be sure to choose a soap that’s gentle and formulated for use one the face, and is infused with high levels of moisturizing ingredients such as ceramides, glycerin, hyaluronic acid & niacinamide.

What’s a face cleanser?

Facial soap and Cleanser

So, if not facial soap, what should you use? A facial cleanser is formulated to be as effective when it comes to cleansing, and ideally gentler, causing less disruption to the skin barrier and minimal change to skin pH. Finding the best cleanser can also be tough given there are so many options. If you’re worried about your face not getting enough moisture, gel or cream cleansers are a smart choice.


When to use them?

Facial soap and Cleanser

Ultimately, the choice between the two of them comes down to individual skin type and personal preference. There are some guidelines to keep in mind for you to pick the best face washing products.

  1. Choose a product that’s made for the face – even the gentlest body soap or cleanser for the body may be too harsh on the face.
  2. Pick something gentle – your face is very delicate.
  3. Consider your skin type – different types of skin have different needs.

Still not so sure? Make an appointment with a dermatologist for more professional skincare advice.

Shop the hottest facial soaps

Shop the hottest face cleansers

Facial soap and Cleanser

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