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The liquid eyeshadow trend isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. A quick swipe of it then your eye makeup is done. They are truly a breeze to apply. Don’t know how to use it? Let’s get ready to get those lids glowing with these hacks…

#1 Prime time

How to keep your makeup to stay put through rain, sweat and oil slicks produced by the skin? Smoothing on a thin layer of an oil-free eyeshadow primer to clean eyes before applying liquid eyeshadow. This locks eyeshadow into place with true colour and makes it last longer. Just squeeze a tiny bit of primer onto your fingertips or a flat eyeshadow brush. Next, use rapid tapping motions to blend the primer into your skin. Wait a few seconds for the formula to dry and absorb before applying your eyeshadow.

Beauty portrait of a woman applying eye makeup

#2 Dab with fingertips/flat brush

A lot of liquid eyeshadow applicators are over-sized and hold more product than needed.  You might wipe the excess off on a tissue or choose to apply to fingers or a flat synthetic brush first and then dab it on your eyelids. Then, blend it out with your ring finger gently. The warmth from fingertip really helps melt the product into your skin. If yours is with quick-drying formula, then you should work one eye at a time.

close-up view of beautiful young woman applying eyeshadow with brush

#3 Allow the product to dry

Give your liquid eyeshadows a bit of time to dry as they tend to take longer to set.  Keep your eyes closed while counting from 1 to 10 to let it dry thoroughly before you add a second layer for greater coverage. This helps minimize your product from getting into creases and lines.

Closeup image of closed woman eye with beautiful bright makeup, smoky eyes

#4 Set with powder/spay

Just like you set your foundation with a powder to make it last longer, you can do the same with eye makeup. Simply dust a bit of loose, translucent or matching powder eyeshadow on top to seal in your look for the long haul. Another way to ensure your eye makeup stays on longer is a setting spray.

Beautiful face and eye close up.


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