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Social distancing can drive you crazy. You’d better get creative and here’s a list of social distancing activities you can do to keep you busy, sane and healthy.

#1 Spring clean

Giving your home a deep clean can lift your mood and it’s also a productive way to spend time during social distancing. If you hadn’t had time to Marie Kondo your closet and your expired beauty products, spring cleaning is the perfect excuse. 

Woman cleaning and polishing the kitchen worktop with a spray detergent, housekeeping and hygiene concept

#2 Take a virtual museum tour

Take a trip through some of the world’s greatest collections on these virtual museums and galleries, like the Van Gogh Museum and the British Museum. It’s time to broaden your horizons with some virtual tours, instead of binge-watching Netflix.

#3 Read a book

Take a break from the stream of the latest outbreak updates and pick up that book that’s been sat on your bookshelf for the last few months. Ever thought about starting a book club? 

Girl holding cup of hot tea and reading in bed. Around her in bad earphones, book, smart phone. Decorative lights in background.

#4 Meditate

Feeling stressed, worried? Give meditation a try. Incorporate it into your regular routine helps reduce anxiety and stress. If you’ve never tried it before, now is your chance!

#5 Step up your skincare game

Keep calm, carry on and give yourself an at-home facial. As you stay safe indoors, you can use this time to give your skin a serious boost. 

Asian women applying face lotion.

#6 Give yourself a manicure

Haven’t painted your nails in a long time? Now is the time to learn how to give yourself a manicure at home.

#7 Video chat with family & friends

Stay in touch with your loved ones while self-isolating at home. There are more ways than ever to be face-to-face with someone without leaving your homes, like FaceTime, Zoom and more. It is possible to be in isolation without feeling isolated.

A POV photo of a group of people hanging out online on a video chat during a pandemic lockdown

#8 Stream virtual workouts

Gym closed? Home workouts have never been so easy as gyms and fitness studios are offering free workouts you can stream at home, from HIIT to yoga to Pilates.

#9 Learn how to cook

It’s time you get back in the kitchen and learn, re-learn or re-ignite your love for cooking. Try to create healthy meals at home with the food you already have.

Mother learning her daughter to cook

#10 Plan a trip

Forced to cancel your trip? This outbreak may change your vacation plans, you can use this time to plan your next trip when life gets back to normal.


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