When you have oily skin, you always need to take extra care with it. You hope that your extra effort will make your skin less grease, less shinny and easier to put on make-up. You have tried out many ways to improve it; yet, you even find your skin is oilier. Why? Probably you are doing these 4 common mistakes! Let’s check it out!
1. You wash your face more than you need
We know that you don’t want your face look grease right after cleansing. But it doesn’t mean that you have to wash your face like every two hours! When you wash your face more than you need, you are actually giving signal to your skin to produce more oil. As a result, your skin is oilier than it should be. Even it is tempting to remove shinny oil, you better stick to clean your face twice a day!

2. You think moisturizer is your enemy
Your face is shinny but it doesn’t mean it is hydrated. Many people who have oily skin think that moisturizer is their enemy, and refuse to apply it no matter how. Our skin is smarter than we can imagine. The more moisturizer you add on your skin, the less sebum it will produce. Now, you know why skipping moisturizer doesn’t make your skin look dryer, yet, it looks more shinny. So, think twice before you skip it!

3. You choose wrong make-up products
It is very tempting to try out all the latest and fanciest make-up products when the whole world is buzzing about it. You feel like a trap when you find those make-up doesn’t look too great as your skin is oilier than it is. Sticking to oil-free make-up products will be a wise choice, you would feel light for your skin and achieve long lasting coverage.

4. You are over-stressed with it
You cannot change with your skin type in one day. All you can do is to sit back and relax, don’t do anything would make it worse. Why? Do you find you are more likely to have acne when you are stressed out? Your cortisol will be increased when you are over-stressed, it causes your hormone to react on it. As a result, your skin produces more oil.